Creation... Art... Design...
The power of design goes by every day so subtle and common that we just don't notice it anymore. When artist were powerful centuries ago, their creations were commissioned and admired by kings, royalty, and Religions. Today it seems we sit at a computer as unknown people who have lost our presence and dominance. Is it our fault? Or is it just the way modern society is with this career. Still, I wonder if it could be the dilution of the the art field? Computer generated images, it seems anyone can create after a few courses impacts our field of creation. It also adds a sort of; well... Anyone can do it, attitude which impacts the salaries we get paid.. What I have seen in this career is the following: 15 years ago you needed to know Quark, Illustrator, and Photoshop and your starting slary was about $32,000 per year. Today you need to know CS6, Flash, Dreaweaver, Acrobat, HTML5, Flash, and give or take 5 more programs... And what is the starting salary? $35,000.... It doesn't add up at all. I don't claim to be the best, I do know that my countless hours of art history classes still take a role in what I create along with my massive amounts of studio art. Traditional artist seem to have an edge or an added tool in the field of design. You just don't get paid for it anyomore or you have to freelance around more than just being hired full time. Learn from the masters of the past and hopefully someday you too can become commissioned by a king.